Free special edition 2023


Editors free fromconflicts of interest The absence of any direct or indirect financial links to the pharmaceutical industry is an absolute requirement to be a member of thePrescrire team. Any such linkwouldbe cause for dismissal from the Prescrire Editorial Staff. Avast network of reviewers Once they are in an advanced stage of editing and quality control, all draft reviews are sent to outside reviewers (10 to 40 reviewers read each draft at this stage). These reviewers critique each article in terms of content, style, relevance, newsworthiness, presentationof arguments andusefulness in daily practice. The reviewers are specialists in the subject being discussed, methodologists, or healthcare profession- als representative of Prescrire’s readers (and chosen from their midst). Prescrire’s rigorous, collective editorial process has beenfine-tuned over the years Prescrire’s articles are based on an exhaustive search of the literature, and undergo scrutiny by a large panel of outside reviewers plus rigorous quality-control procedures. Prescrire's editors aremostly healthcare professionals, specially trained in Prescrire's editorial methods.

All the articles published in La Revue Prescrire (aside from a few clearly labelled exceptions, such as readers’ letters) are written by Prescrire’s Editorial Staff. Prescrire does not publish unsolicitedmanuscripts fromoutside contributors. The production of articles draws upon a wide range of skills, all exercised under the supervision of Prescrire’s edi tors. This teamapproach is reflected in the collective byline “©Prescrire”. Written and edited by healthcare professionals Most of Prescrire’s editors are physicians (both in individual practice or on hospital staff ), pharma cists (working in pharmacies or hospitals), nurses and dentists. Others are economists or journalists with specific expertise in the area of healthcare. All Prescrire editors have received extensive in-house training in Prescrire’s editorial production process.

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