Special Edition 2021

Editorial: Doing one’s job4
Ebola vaccine rVSV-Zebov(ervebo°) in an outbreak of Ebola virus disease: Major reduction in incidence among those at risk for this often-fatal infection5
Fexinidazole (fexinidazole winthroP°) and sleeping sickness caused by Trypanosoma brucei gambiense Effective and more convenient than injectable treatments6
Polatuzumab vedotin (Polivy°) and large B-cell lymphoma7
Remdesivir (veklury°) and covid-19: Too many uncertainties over its efficacy as well as its harms8
Authorisation of remdesivir in the European Union: EMA needs to prioritise patients’ interests9
Dasatinib in children (sPrycel° and other brands) with acute lymphoblastic leukaemia10
Failure to demand solid evidence for marketing authorisation spells danger for patients11
VEGF inhibitors : arterial aneurysm and dissection12
Apixaban, edoxaban, rivaroxaban: situations with a high risk of bleeding or thrombosis13
Liposomal forms of drugs: now specified in the brand name, but no improvement to the INN14
Medical cannabis in chronic pain An option for some types of pain, while awaiting further evaluation15
Hydrochlorothiazide in hypertension: An acceptable first choice16
Towards better patient care: drugs to avoid in 202117
Drugs in 2020: a brief review20
Drug shortages : a (big) thorn in the side of pharmacists21
Towards transparency in the research costs of new drugs22

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